Wind – January 20, 2025

¡Buenos dias! Multiple polar-orbiting satellite passes last evening measured 15 knot winds over the Sea of Cortez east of Cerralvo, but all of the most recent model forecasts show the background flow weakening this morning to below the threshold to activate our wind machine. Our down time will be short, as strong surface high pressure will build into the 4-corners area of the U.S. on Tuesday, with norte conditions developing here. The norte will likely last through Wednesday, as a reinforcing area of high pressure moves from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. into Idaho and keeps a very tight surface pressure gradient in place over BCS. Although there will likely be times of thin, high clouds both Tuesday and Wednesday, the primary driver of our winds will be the norte so a slightly dampened thermal shouldn’t make any difference. Sunny skies are forecast to return on Thursday, and although the norte should ease, we will likely see another windy afternoon. The surface high centered far to our north will weaken on Friday, but ample north background flow will continue and team up with full sunshine to give us another good day. All of the long-range models are in good agreement that surface low pressure will rapidly form over the southwestern U.S. on Saturday, with our background flow becoming light. The low will likely linger to our north through Sunday, with another down day likely. Looking farther into the following week, both the European and American long-range models show north flow returning on Monday the 27th, with another long stretch of windy days looking likely.

  • Today…Some morning high clouds, then becoming sunny. Northeast wind 10-12 mph.
  • Tuesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph.
  • Thursday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Friday…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Saturday…Sunny. East wind 8-10 mph.
  • Sunday…Sunny. East wind 8-10 mph.

Wind – January 19, 2025

¡Buenos dias! Several overnight satellite passes measured solid 15 knot NNW winds over the Sea of Cortez just east of Cerralvo, and the newest model runs indicate similar wind speeds will last through this afternoon. Infrared satellite loops early this morning showed a band of high clouds again streaming in from the southwest. While clouds will partially dampen our local thermal, there are some indications we could see some clearing for a time around midday which should give us at least a partial thermal boost. Nearly all of the forecast models show the surface pressure gradient weakening substantially tomorrow, with the background north flow falling to just below the threshold for activating our wind machine so for now it looks like a marginal day. Models forecasts are in good agreement that a strong surface high pressure system will build southward from Idaho into the 4-corners region of the U.S. on Tuesday and create the ideal setup for a strong norte here. Models are also in good agreement that a reinforcing shot of high pressure will move from far southwestern Canada into Idaho on Wednesday and help preserve the tight surface pressure gradient over BCS. The norte will slowly ebb on Thursday, but full sunshine should add a good thermal boost so it looks like another windy afternoon. The surface high to our north will weaken on Friday but ample north background flow should continue. All of the available model guidance shows a very weak wind regime setting up over BCS next Saturday as a broad area of low pressure forms over the southwestern U.S., with only light onshore breezes during the afternoon.

  • Today…Partly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 12-14 mph.
  • Tuesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph.
  • Thursday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Friday…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Saturday…Sunny. East wind 8-10 mph.

Wind – January 18, 2025

¡Buenos dias! An Oceansat satellite pass late last evening measured 10-15 knot NNW winds just east of Cerralvo,, and the latest model forecasts are in good agreement that similar background flow will continue today. Infrared satellite loops early this morning indicated that the high cloud cover of the past several days was thinning, and we should see full sunshine by mid morning, setting the stage for a solid thermal boost this afternoon. Unfortunately high clouds will again creep into BCS on Sunday, and they may significantly dampen our local thermal. That said, model forecasts show we may see a few thin spots in the cloud cover, and with a relatively tight surface pressure gradient, we should see strong enough background flow to give us a windy afternoon. The surface pressure gradient is forecast to weaken significantly on Monday, but a couple of the models show just enough background north flow will continue to couple with filtered sunshine and give us another rideable day. Strong surface high pressure is forecast to build into the 4-corners region of the U.S. on Tuesday and set up a classic situation for a norte here. While the windiest day will likely be Tuesday, low-end norte conditions may last into Thursday as the surface pressure gradient remains tight over BCS. Long-range model forecasts show significant variability going into next weekend, but overall it looks like moderate to strong north flow will continue through at least Friday.

  • Today…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Sunday…Partly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Tuesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.

Note: For the tide forecast, I’m switching back to the site from wisuki. Last week it wasn’t showing the afternoon low tides, but it seems to be working again.

Wind – January 17, 2025

¡Buenos dias! An ASCAT pass last evening measured 15 knot NNW winds over the Sea of Cortez east of Cerralvo, and model forecasts show a ridge of high pressure centered just to our north will provide ample north background flow again today. We got lucky yesterday and saw some substantial thin spots in the high cloud cover, with 10 minute average sustained winds at the campground peaking at 17 to 19 mph. The strength of the thermal today will again be highly dependent on the thickness of the clouds. Models show some hints that we may see just enough filtered sun to at least partially activate our local thermal, so I’ll be optimistic. Models are in excellent agreement that Saturday will see a return of full sunshine, and with the surface pressure gradient forecast to tighten, all the ingredients are there for a windy afternoon. The subtropical jet will once again bring high clouds back into our region on Sunday, but with solid north background flow continuing, we should see a rideable day. Forecast models are in good agreement that the surface pressure gradient will weaken over BCS on Monday, but on the other hand, models show only a few, thin high clouds so we should continue our windy streak. The surface pressure gradient is again forecast to tighten on Tuesday, and at this point it looks like we will see only some thin cloud cover so we should see a windy day. At this point model forecasts are in fairly good agreement that solid north background flow will continue on Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Today…Partly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Saturday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Sunday…Partly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Tuesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.

Wind – January 16, 2025

SWAG…SWAG….SWAG! Our good friends Ken and Donna Freed have again created some amazing MasViento swag to help benefit No Mas Basura! Today we will be selling all-black t-shirts ($20) and super-cool baseball caps ($25) at the No Mas Basura recycling day on the west side (uphill) of the Farmers’ Market. ALL profits go to benefit the ongoing work of No Mas Basura.

In addition we will be selling tickets and t-shirts for the annual Baja Beach Blues concert on February 12th at Carol and Willie’s beachfront home. It’ll be another year of amazing talent, including Grammy award nominated Teresa James and Grammy award winner Terry Townson…all benefiting No Mas Basura.

¡Buenos dias! The forecast for today is a low-confidence one. An Oceansat satellite pass around midnight measured 15 knot NNW winds over the southern Sea of Cortez, and the new model forecasts show similar wind speeds continuing today. Infrared satellite loops show thick, high clouds moving in from the southwest early this morning, and if this continues it will put a serious damper on our local thermal. That said, there are a couple of forecast models that show some thinning of the cloud cover around midday, and IF we see any significant thin spots in the cloud cover, we could be off to the races so best be ready. While model forecasts generally agree that sufficient north background flow will last through the next week, it will be a cat and mouse game with high clouds, and that will be the major determining factor on our local thermal. Saturday looks to be the sunniest day, but otherwise high clouds could significantly dampen our local thermal and adjustments to the forecast are likely. Long-range forecasts are in agreement that the next big norte may be delayed until next Thursday…stay tuned.

  • Today…Partly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph (?).
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Saturday…Sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
  • Sunday…Partly sunny. North wind 14-16 mph.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Tuesday…Partly sunny. North wind 14-16 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.

Wind – January 15, 2025

¡Buenos dias! An Oceansat satellite pass around midnight measured 15 to 20 knot NNW winds over the southern Sea of Cortez. Surface high pressure centered over northern Utah this morning will remain in place through Thursday, resulting in ample north background flow continuing here. While we will see a continuation of solid north background flow, infrared satellite loops early this morning showed a broad band of high clouds streaming into BCS from the southwest. The high, thin cloud cover could partially dampen our local thermal, but at this point all of the most recent model forecasts show there should be enough thin spots in the cloud cover to allow for a substantial thermal boost both today and Thursday. While model forecasts show the surface high far to our north breaking down on Friday, a weak ridge of high pressure is forecast to form just to our north and this should bring us continued ample north flow both Friday and Saturday. High clouds will again be a wild card each day through the next week, but at this point it looks like most days will see at least partial sunshine. Forecast models are in fairly good agreement that a large Canadian surface high will begin building southward into the U.S. on Sunday, but there has been a dramatic shift in how far southward into BCS the high will build, and the most recent model runs show no norte conditions here until possibly much later next week.

  • Today…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Saturday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Sunday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 14-16 mph.
  • Tuesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.

Nerd Note: Many of you have commented on how windy this season has been. Here is a graph showing the normal percentage of days with winds of at least 15 mph (from our friends at ikitesurf) compared to the 2024/25 season so far.

I suspect a couple of reasons for the great season are the favorable overall weather pattern, with frequent strong high pressure over the western U.S., and the very dry desert due to summer/fall rain totals of around 2 inches or less.

Wind – January 14, 2025

¡Buenos dias! A couple of ASCAT satellite passes last evening measured 15-20 knot NNW winds over the southern Sea of Cortez. Surface analysis early this morning shows strong high pressure centered near Salt Lake City, and all of the most recent numerical model forecasts show this feature will remain nearly stationary through Thursday, with solid north background flow continuing. Today will likely be the last completely clear day, as models show some thin, high clouds will creep into BCS on Wednesday and be a recurring theme through next weekend. While at this point it looks like the clouds will remain thin, we’ll have to watch the satelllite imagery day to day to see if thicker clouds threaten to dampen our thermal…stay tuned. The background flow will weaken on Friday into Saturday, but models continue to show a weak ridge of high pressure forming just to our north, and this feature should be enough to keep our wind machine primed. Long-range model forecasts disagree on timing, but they do agree that an expansive surface high will drop out of Canada late this weekend or early next week and likely bring us norte conditions.

  • Today…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Saturday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Sunday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.
  • Monday…Mostly sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.

Wind – January 13, 2025

¡Buenos dias! The next surge of north wind has arrived, as an Oceansat satellite pass around midnight measured widespread 15 knot winds over the Sea of Cortez to the east of Cerralvo. The latest numerical model forecasts are in good agreement that surface high pressure centered over Oregon this morning will move into northern Utah on Tuesday then remain nearly stationary through Thursday. As a result, the surface pressure gradient will remain fairly tight over BCS with solid north background flow expected. Some relatively thin, high clouds will begin to filter into our region on Wednesday and last into next weekend, but at this point it looks like we will see enough filtered sunshine to trigger our local thermal each day. Models show the surface high over Utah weakening on Friday, but a ridge of high pressure is forecast to form over the northern Baja Peninsula and keep ample north flow in the forecast Friday and Saturday. Long-range models are in good agreement that Pacific high pressure will build into the western U.S. on Sunday, with norte conditions possible here.

  • Today…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Tuesday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Saturday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Sunday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.

Wind – January 12, 2025

¡Buenos dias! Sustained winds yesterday (see nerd note below) peaked at around 20 mph, but a couple of satellite passes late last evening measured only light west winds over the Sea of Cortez east of Cerralvo. Today’s forecast is very low confidence, as most of the model forecasts show the background flow will be near or below the threshold that typically will trigger our wind machine. There is a glimmer of hope that we may see a couple of hours of marginal wind during the late afternoon, but chances are slim. Model forecasts are in excellent agreement that strong surface high pressure from the eastern Pacific will build into the interior west of the U.S. on Monday and push a new surge of north wind down the Sea of Cortez. The surface high is then forecast to remain nearly stationary through Thursday, with solid north background flow continuing here. Long-range model forecasts are in good agreement that while the surface high over the western U.S. will break down next Friday, a weak ridge of high pressure will form over the northern Baja Peninsula and give us just enough north flow to help trigger our wind machine through Saturday. The wild card for next week will begin on Wednesday, as models show increasing high clouds over BCS, but at this point it looks like enough filtered sun will make it through to trigger our local thermal each day.

  • Today…Sunny. Northeast wind 10-12 mph.
  • Monday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Tuesday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.
  • Saturday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.

Nerd Note: Sustained winds yesterday peaked at around 20 mph, but graphs from Weather Underground showed a very different day for the northern beaches versus the southern beaches. As a side note…sustained winds from Weather Underground tend to be 3-4 mph high on average as compared to this plot that I use for verification at the campground

That said, looking at the plots from Rasta Beach (first graph) and the campground (second graph) show a very different day, as the sawtooth pattern at Rasta shows a very gusty, holey day (personally verified!!) while at the campground winds settled into a fairly steady pattern during the afternoon. A wind forecast plot from the HRRR model yesterday may explain why the two sites varied so drastically in wind quality. Note that the wind direction near and just north of Rasta was due north or even had a bit of west in it up towards Punta Gorda, while the winds to the south were more 15 to 20 degrees…NNE… (both directions verified at the respective sites). The north to NNW wind at the northern beaches was likely partially shadowed by nearby bluffs, while the NNE winds at the southern beaches were unobstructed from the bay.

Wind – January 11, 2025

¡Buenos dias! Several wind gauges yesterday measured wind gusts into the mid 30s, and in true norte form the gusty winds lasted through the night. An Oceansat satellite pass around midnight showed the broad extent of the norte and measured NNW winds of 20-25 knots over the entire southern Sea of Cortez. Strong surface high pressure was centered over Chihuahua early this morning with a ridge extending westward over the northern Baja Peninsula. All of the latest numerical model forecasts show the surface high weakening this afternoon, so we should see norte conditions subside later today. Models are in good agreement that the surface pressure gradient will continue to weaken tonight, and some even show the background flow falling below the threshold for fully activating our wind machine. For now, it looks more likely that there will still be enough north flow to give us a rideable day tomorrow. Surface high pressure is once again forecast to build into the interior west of the U.S. on Monday and send a fresh surge of north flow into the Sea of Cortez. Solid north background flow will likely last through at least Thursday, and with only some thin, high clouds expected from time to time, we should see a good thermal boost each day. At this point long-range model forecasts show just enough north flow will remain on Friday to extend our windy streak.

  • Today…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Sunday…Sunny. North wind 14-16 mph.
  • Monday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Tuesday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
  • Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
  • Friday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-18 mph.