Baja Birding Club 3rd Outing for Saturday, February 8, 2025: We are going to the Sierra Laguna Biosphere Reserve. It is a small ranch bisected by a small stream. We often get some very interesting birds that one does not see easily anywhere else in the region, e.g. acorn woodpeckers, black-throated gray warblers, yellow-breasted chats, and the endemic Xantus’s hummingbird, to name but a few. The field trip consists of driving through San Antonio and then over the mountain pass until we hit a major wide dirt road veering off to the right well before San Bartolo. Keep in mind that the rancher charges for parking. Last year it was 100 pesos per car, but it could be double that this year. We will meet outside of Marlin Azul restaurant at 0730 to car-pool. Bring water, snacks, and sunscreen.
— David M. Bird, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology, McGill University, Montreal 686-348-2931