Coming at you! Enter as a Band or Solo Act and go for gold! Sign up in person on the night of the event and show us what you got! $100 USD grand prize for the ultimate Air Guitar Champion.
You will be judged on this criteria:
1. Technical merit – You don’t have to know what notes you’re playing, but the more your invisible fretwork corresponds to the music that’s playing, the better the performance.
2. Stage presence – Anyone can do it in the privacy of their bedroom. Few have what it takes to rock a crowd of hundreds or even thousands – all without an instrument.
3 Airness – The last criteria is the most difficult to define yet often the most decisive of all. Airness is defined as the extent to which a performance transcends the imitation of a real guitar and becomes an art form in and of itself.
Costumes, makeup, and dancing encouraged. Air guitars provided
. Baja Joe’s continues to bring you unique events you have never seen before. Rock out with your air guitar out behind our @qscaudio mega sound system.