Category: Auto Services & Storage

Showing 1 - 10 of 10
Altamirano CarWash and Tire Service
Located across from Chevron Station en route to Los Planes
Auto Mechanic Omar

Retired general auto mechanic from Guadalajara, with over 40 years experience.

Auto/Quad Mechanic & General Construction: Luis...

30 years experience as a mechanic and in general construction. Qualified to work on both autos and quads. 

Car Wash - Last King

Complete car wash in El Teso!

Car Wash "El Charley"

Wash, dry and detailing of your car.

El Teso - Three Blocks above the OXXO
Common Storage

Long-term Self-storage / Shaded and Unshaded Vehicle Storage

Gruas "El Venado"/Javier Riekie 24hr Towing and...

24hr Towing (trailer placement), Mechanic and Welding – Auto repair, 24-hour full service towing and welding offered; serving El Sergento, La Ventana, Los Planes through La Paz.

Mechanic - Pepe

La Ventana’s English speaking moto mechanic does great work on all ATVs, Dirtbikes, Jetskis and vans.

Storage - El Teso Bodegas

La Ventana Bay’s premier Ministorage and Vehicle Storage facility.

Upholstery GM

We do all kinds of upholstery work, in general. Cars, Living Rooms, Mattresses, Chairs, Shade Nets, Boats, Ships, Motorcycle Seats, Shade Net Repairs, among many other jobs.